No children of this marriage are known. The couple were running what the Census clerk cheerily called a "lodging house for vagrants" at Scotgate in Stamford in 1851 - Edward was a Hawker, as were many of his lodgers. It seems likely that Jane died in Grantham in 1856
In 1858 Edward married (for a second time) at Hitchin in Hertfordshire. His bride was an Emma Porter (from Lincolnshire) and the
couple moved back to that county. They passed
through the Spalding district, Boston and
clearly moved around, but they settled in Lincoln.
Edward Ginn was a Dealer/Broker in Lincoln. Originally in Waterside South, by the early 1870s the couple settled at 32 Cheviot Street. He dealt in a mixture of things, but chiefly
China/Glass and Furniture. While at time he flirted with insolvency, in general he did quite
well for himself, the couple had a maid.
Edward died in 1890 in Lincoln and left a will. Emma's death is unclear
Edward and Emma had eight children viz
Edward - he tried his hand at the services - joining the Navy as a "ship's boy" in 1877 aged 16. He spent some months on HMS St Vincent that year (built in 1815) a training ship shown below - she was stationed at Portsmouth
Sarah Ellen - married John Charles Quinlan at Lincoln in 1889
He and the Navy did not get on and he, or rather his Dad, bought him out soon after. Undaunted, he then joined the Royal Horse Artillery as a Driver, where he stayed for three years see below, leaving in 1881. He was dark haired, rather short with grey eyes.
In 1883 he married Sarah Jane Dove in Lincoln. They had three children, Edward, William (died infancy) and Gertrude. Edward snr sadly died in 1896 aged 35. Sarah remarried in 1904. A correspondent (descendant of Edward's sister) has suggested that what remained of this family emigrated to Canada
James - clearly died infancy
Emma - died infancy
Esther - alive in 1891 aged 21
Albert - sadly died in 1894 aged 21. Likely tuberculosis
Florence - alive 1891 aged 16. I think she subsequently married someone surname Taylor
Annie - alive 1891 aged 14